Rules of Finzy's World
The reason
It is our mission to make this discord server a safe and welcoming place for all. People from around the world come together and express themselves on our server. It is our goal to ensure all users have a valuable, inclusive, and welcoming experience. These rules outline what is and isn't allowed on our Discord Server.
We must also listen to discord by follwoing their Terms of Service and their Community Guidelines
1. Every rule in the server applies at all times no matter what channel it is. Rules more than likely will result in a warning which these can expire with some time. Additionally, they can stack up resulting in a mute or ban. Some rules can lead to a ban.
2. Influencing another member or a group of members to break the rules may result in a punishment. This includes baiting people to say they are under 13 and or quoting or replying to a rule-breaking message.
3. Some channels may have specific rules that aren't listed here. Please make sure to check the channel's topic to see if there are channel-specific rules.
4. To keep our moderators sane and living, this server is ENGLISH only. This means no ASCII, Binary, Morse Code, ciphered code, or any languages that outreach the English dictionary.
1. Swearing. It is allowed but using it excessively or to hurt or harm others is not.
- Bypassing the filter we have in place to protect people is not allowed. What we mean when we say bypassing is using characters or other methods to say works like f••••t or t••••y to get around our filtering.
- Using other means of communicating slurs by using file names, sticker, emojis, and links are also not allowed.
2. Advertising. It is generally not allowed except in our advertising channels.
- You CAN NOT advertise NSFW servers or invite-4-invite servers. This means it CAN NOT be the base of your server or advertisement.
- Advertising is used to draw attention to your server, event, prodcut, or anything else for YOUR own beifit, doing advertisements via dms is something you CAN NOT do as it is a unmoderated area and is outside of our channels for advertising, this means you can put rewards down for the recipent which is not allowed.
3. Malicous Files and links.
- Please refain from posting malicous links or uploading malicous files that could be used to steal accounts, information, and other data, this also includes serveys.
- We moderate links and the bypassing rule also applies to this. You can view this at rule 1.
4. Channel use.
- Please be ontopic for the channel or or find a channel that matches the topic that you are chatting about.
5. Common Sense. Please do not be toxic by harssing, insulting, arguing, or talking about controversal topics.
- Descriminating against people members because of their race, sexuakl orientation, or the roles they gain.
- Going after users by whitch hunting or by organiuzing lage hate groups.
- Discussing punishments that were given to users that may be controversals.
- Soiling movies and or other forms of media without a warning.
- Aruging with members about a serious topic, If you would like to argue or talk about it please move it to DMs.
6. Spamming. Please refrain from spamming or causing a disturbance.
- Using Mas Sperate Lines. Large Bodys of text. Senesless letters/characters, or random words.
- Chaining e.g writing lyrics to a song.
- Repeat Posting, e.g posting the same thing over and over.
- Over using reactions or using gifs/emojis that may cause epliepsy.
- Cluttery Fonts are not allowed.
- Loud warnings must be added to media that contains loud audio.
- Creating a poll that is senseless and or has more than 6 options.
7. NSFW Content. You may not post NSFW content in the server.
- NSFW CAN NOT be posted in any means, Advertising, Links, Streams, Images, Stickers and Emojis.
- Nothing sexually explicit and or substance abuse, disturbing and or displays a grave nature.
- This content can include, SH Images or Dipictions (Self Harm), Suicide and or Suicidal jokes, abuse, flirting/dating, and content that may describe NSFW activities like "aheago" picutes.
- Dating outside of the server is completely fine but making your dating life revovle around the server or bringing what should be in DMs into the server is not allowed.
8. Begging For Paid Content and or Content that is earned.
- You CAN NOT beg for any paid or earned content within the server, if a member is begging in dms we advise you block them.
- This content includes, Nitro, Roles, or any items.
9. Using Alternative Accounts for Malicous reasons.
- You CAN NOT join giveaways with more than one account which gives you a unfair advantage.
- You CAN NOT use a alt to bypass a mute or ban given to your main account.
10. Music and Videos
- Please refrain from playing songs and videos in other channels and keep it to the media voice channels.
- Songs may not contain accessive swearing and or be used to hurt or harm other members.
11. Impersonation
- Using the PFP or name to impersonate a public figure and or another content creator is NOT ALLOWED.
- You are subject to a mute or ban if members are tricked by your impersonation.
12. Nick Names, Zalgo Text, and fonts.
- Zalgo Text is not allowed to be displayed anywhere in chat.
- Your Nickname must be 3 characters or more.
- Your Nickanme CAN NOT have too many duplicates.
- Changing it back after a warning or mute may result in a worse punishment.
13. PII/Personally Identifying Information
- PII Including your own transmitted in the server or unknowingly via dms is not allowed under any reason unless the information is verified and proven to be your information.
- Do NOT ask for personal information from others.
- Personal inforamtion includes, Kahoot Codes you are not allowed to share.
14. Spoliers
- You are not allowed to misuse spoliers. This means by giving your text a diffrent appearnce to show it in a way that my hurt or harm another member.
15. VC Annoyance.
- You cannot use the Voice Channels to mic spam, make excessively loud noises, use voice changers, or annoy members.
- AFKing in a VC for longer than 24H will result in a punishment.
16. Minni Mods
- You are not allowed to do this.
- Minimod means acting as a mod in a way. Which is like telling someone they did something they shouldn't of done and saying they will be punished. You don't need to do this just simply ping a staff member.
17. Interfering with mods.
- Trolling or messing with them.
- Using Faked or forged evidence.
- Misuseing bots.
- Misinforming people who asked for a mod.
- Arguing with staff.
- Dodging staff.
- Assiting people in avoiding a punishment.